The Household loan can be approve within a single day. So you can handle your difficult situation and support your love once too.
Apply for Household loan at zero processing fee and no any hidden charge will applied to member .
If Member have had a good financial month or just come across some extra funds, they can choose to part pre-pay and foreclosure of their loan.
For your convenience, we provide doorstep services. When applying for a personal loan, a bank representative will visit your home for completion of the application form as well as the documentation process for personal Loan
Household loan - A Consumer Durable Loan (Household loan) is an option that helps you finance your purchase of house hold goods. This class of products includes household appliances or electronics such as TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, microwaves, home theatres, laptops and much more.
So, have you been waiting for a long time to save money and buy the products you desire? Charlie co-operative society's household Loans can help you in making your purchases today, that you had put off for tomorrow. Through our EMI facility you can buy big and pay small. In other words, you can purchase home improvement products like a new microwave or a giant refrigerator and make repayments through the monthly EMIs. We require minimum documentation and provide on-spot loan approval. Don’t delay your aspirations any further. Now, you can go ahead with confidence and make life easier for you and your loved ones
As our valued customer, you are eligible to get Household loan. in case your are not our member, Browse the membership plan with great benefits and become member of Charlie co-operative society. For more details, please contact our Relationship Manager or call our phone banking number: 9911351160.